To Side Bend, or not to Side Bend,
IS that the Question? How I got curious about Side Bending and Scoliosis Years ago, I was working with a client with severe scoliosis. I noticed she was experiencing some discomfort when I asked her to bend towards the side of her more prominent curve. I remember being confused by …
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Getting Ahead of your Curve (Type)
Do you know what type of curve you have? Whenever I meet someone who has scoliosis, one of the most common answers to this question is, “I. Don’t. Know.” I don’t blame them. This could be for a number of reasons— maybe they were diagnosed with scoliosis at some point …
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Back off! Yoga therapy and scoliosis: Part 2
During a class I was teaching on scoliosis, one of the students—a vital, stylish woman in her 80s—mentioned that her friend was constantly pestering her about her posture. “Tell her to back off!” I said. Let me explain. This woman was in possession of an S-shaped scoliotic curve. This means …
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